The Checklists
Because no organization should be without security, Sandbox Technologies publishes the “Best Practice Checklist Series” free of charge for non-commercial business use. Written in plain English, checklists are intended as a means for the average professional to work with their IT personnel to collect information and assess their compliance with basic security practices.*
Because self-reviews require considerable time and legwork, the series has been broken into a number of issues, each dealing with specific areas of focus. It is our hope that this format will provide a means for the average manager or administrator to digest information a bit at a time and evaluate their IT at a pace that is neither overwhelming nor unreasonably time-consuming.
*There is no substitute for a formal strategy, third-party audits, and penetration testing. Best Practice Checklist Series is published strictly as a means of helping to familiarize organizations with basic security measures when outsourcing is not an option.

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