Dark Web Searches Provide Validated, Actionable Threat Intelligence to Help Organizations Take Rapid Action and Mitigate Damages When a Breach or Password Compromise Occurs.
A vast majority of data breaches are not discovered until long after they’ve occurred. By this time, it is often too late for organizations to take actions to lessen the damage.
Professional Dark Web search specialists scour hacker websites and Dark Web forums inaccessible to the average user to locate breached credentials and personally identifiable information that has been posted to or listed for sale on the Dark Web. Dark Web monitoring is a valuable tool for maintaining abreast of potential threats and concluding damage control before it’s too late.

Get Ahead of Breaches Before It's Too Late

Access credentials, credit card numbers, and other personally identifiable information (PII) are hot commodities on the Dark Web. Sensitive business and personal information can be even more so.
When an organization or individual (especially those with high profiles) has been compromised, possible outcomes include ransom demands, extortion, financial fraud, and identity theft. More fortunate victims may simply suffer the widespread dissemination of their access credentials and confidential or embarrassing information via the Internet.
Many companies find it impossible to recover from a data breach, and even if they do, the damage to customer and public trust can take years to repair.
Relying solely on defensive security measures and intrusion detection neglects to address a last-minute, yet very viable opportunity for rapid remediation, damage control and notifying affected individuals before they find out through other means. This advantage can literally mean the difference between successful navigation of the problem and total devastation.
In cases with exposure to financial fraud, knowing a breach has occurred can mean the difference between suffering a significant financial loss or quickly taking initiative by changing account numbers and placing credit organizations on alert.
A Skilled Endeavor

Accessing the Dark Web is not only somewhat involved, but our organization also generally advises against it. Although many of the technical professionals at Sandbox Technologies possess the know how to conduct cursory searches, Dark Web searching is something best left to those that make it their profession. This is for several reasons.
First, before venturing into the more questionable corners of the Internet, one must recognize that they are frequented by highly tech-savvy individuals that are quite adept at identifying novice outsiders.
Governmental organizations also frequent these areas in search of cyber-criminals. An innocent search conducted by someone unfamiliar with the inner workings of the Dark Web can be an inadvertent catalyst for an unwanted investigation into the person or company whose IP address is associated with the activity.
Most importantly, Dark Web searches are often best conducted by someone who specializes in them. Much of the data resulting from Dark Web searches originates from private forums or sites that require memberships, or at a minimum, credibility within the hacker community to conduct business. Simply stated, Dark Web searches aren’t something just anyone should attempt.
For more information about Dark Web Monitoring, download the printer-friendly one-sheet, FAQ’s, and infographic below, or contact your Sandbox Technologies Engineer, Account Manager, or Consulting CIO. Existing clients may also request a one-time Dark Web search free of charge.

ID Agent monitors over 500 Internet Relay Chatroom (IRC) channels, 600 Twitter feeds, roughly 600,000 private websites and their agents execute approximately 10,000 queries on a daily basis.
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