DNS Security Helps Block Access to Dangerous Websites to Strengthen Security Beyond the Network
Mobile access and cloud-based applications mean today’s business users are doing much of their work outside the relative safety of the network. Users are expected to connect to cloud-based company resources after establishing a VPN tunnel, but without restrictions the VPN requirement is often skipped.
DNS Security is a first line of defense in today’s mobile, cloud-connected world. Designed to block user access to risky websites on any device it is installed on, it bolsters security and helps organization enforce Web use policies inside and outside the office.

DNS Security

Whether it’s via Web searches or phishing scams, business users are routinely exposed to deceptive Web pages – sites that appear legitimate but are actually malicious. These sites exploit browser vulnerabilities to plant malware, and/or use well-crafted content to trick users into exposing login credentials and other sensitive information. Mobile access and cloud applications that are outside the protection of network perimeter security leave users extremely vulnerable to these attacks.
The Solution That Travels with You

Implementing DNS security is simple. To protect company-authorized devices, the device’s DNS is pointed to the security provider’s DNS servers. By analyzing Internet activity patterns and querying tables of malicious websites, DNS security can identify attacker infrastructure and proactively block requests submitted to dangerous domains, URL’s, IP addresses and files – before a connection is ever established.
If a protected device becomes infected in other ways, DNS security can also prevent connections to an attacker’s servers, helping to prevent data exfiltration.
Smart Design
Instead of proxying all web traffic, DNS security proxies only the sites it deems risky and routes them for deeper URL and file inspection, adding protection without materially impacting performance. Because the infrastructure resides in the cloud, there is no hardware to install or software to maintain, and deployment takes only minutes.
Policy Enforcement
DNS security permits rapid setup and ongoing management of policies based on IP address, network, device, or user, giving companies greater control over Internet usage. Organizations can enforce internet use policies via category-based content filtering, allow/block lists, and SafeSearch browsing.
Key Features

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