Help Prevent Network Breaches By Making User Authentication More Secure
In an environment where user login credentials are commonly cracked or phished, then sold for nefarious reasons, simple username-password combinations should be considered of minimal security value. Multifactor authentication takes login security to the next level and helps prevent network breaches.
While many multifactor authentication solutions are available, the most common are simple security tokens. Token security options range from free mobile device-based solutions to physical key fobs, to convenient, push-based mobile token solutions available for a nominal charge.

Passwords are No Longer Enough

Identity security is one of the most significant information security challenges that organizations face. For decades, the primary tool most companies have used to restrict network access is the username-password combination. Unfortunately, passwords are a weak link in the security chain.
For IT management, convincing colleagues to accept minimum password length and complexity requirements is an uphill battle. And when frequent password changes are not enforced, users often use the same password for multiple sites. When this occurs, the breach of a single, unrelated entity can quickly lead to a cascading effect resulting in a breach of the business.
While the above policies should nonetheless be enforced, multifactor authentication steps up security by requiring users to present a combination of two pieces of “evidence” when logging into an account: something they know, such as a password, something they have, such as a mobile device or token; or something they are, such as a fingerprint. In this way, multifactor authentication helps protect against successful phishing, social engineering, and brute-force password attacks.
Multifactor Solution Types
A breadth of multifactor authentication solutions, providing various degrees of security and spanning a wide range of costs.

Push-based multifactor authentication solutions rank among the most popular of options. Push notifications alleviate the need for users to enter an eight-digit code, instead prompting them to simply click “APPROVE” or “DENY” on their enabled smart phone. The cost is nominal, and implementation is generally simple to achieve.
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